Boosting Your Close Rate: The Importance of Sending a Follow-Up Gift After a Trade Show

by | Jan 30, 2023 | Thoughts

Trade shows can be a great way for you and your business to connect with potential customers, but it’s important to remember that the work doesn’t stop once the show is over. Following up with the people you met is crucial, and one of the most effective ways to do this is by sending a follow-up gift.

According to a study by Marketing Donut, businesses that send a follow-up gift have a 30-50% chance of securing a sale, compared to just a 5-20% chance for those who don’t. This is because a follow-up gift helps to solidify the connection made at the trade show and sets the business apart from the competition.

Another study by Small Business Trends found that personalized gifts can increase the chances of securing a sale by up to 20%. This is because a personalized gift serves as a constant reminder of the business and the products or services they offer.

The data clearly shows sending a follow-up gift after a trade show can be a valuable way to solidify connections with potential customers and increase the chances of securing a sale. According to studies, businesses that send follow-up gifts have a 30-50% chance of securing a sale, while personalized gifts can increase the chances of securing a sale by up to 20%.

Next week, we’ll dive into our tips for the best Post-Event Gift Giving.